An accordioning is used to display a list of items that can be expanded and collapsed.
Apples are crisp, juicy fruits with a sweet or tart flavor. They come in various colors such as red, green, and yellow.
Bananas are elongated, curved fruits with a creamy flesh inside. They are rich in potassium and are commonly eaten as a healthy snack.
Oranges are round citrus fruits with a bright orange skin and juicy flesh. They are known for their high vitamin C content and refreshing taste.
---const items = [ { name: "Apple", description: "Apples are crisp, juicy fruits with a sweet or tart flavor. They come in various colors such as red, green, and yellow." }, { name: "Banana", description: "Bananas are elongated, curved fruits with a creamy flesh inside. They are rich in potassium and are commonly eaten as a healthy snack." }, { name: "Orange", description: "Oranges are round citrus fruits with a bright orange skin and juicy flesh. They are known for their high vitamin C content and refreshing taste." }]--- <div x-cloak x-data x-accordion> {{ name, description }) => ( <div x-accordion:item={`'${name}'`}> <button x-accordion:item-trigger={`'${name}'`}> {name} <div x-accordion:item-indicator={`'${name}'`}> <i class="i-lucide-chevron-down w-5 h-5" /> </div> </button> <div x-cloak x-accordion:item-content={`'${name}'`}> <p class="text-sm py-2 px-4 leading-relaxed">{description}</p> </div> </div> )) }</div> <style> [data-part="root"] { @apply w-72 md:w-96 bg-white border border-zinc-200/60 rounded-md shadow-sm overflow-hidden; } [data-part="item"][data-state="open"] + [data-part="item"] [data-part="item-trigger"] { @apply border-t; } [data-part="item-trigger"] { @apply flex items-center border-b bg-white border-zinc-200/60 justify-between w-full p-4 font-medium text-base text-zinc-700 text-left cursor-pointer; } [data-part="item-content"] { @apply text-zinc-500 overflow-hidden; } [data-part="item-indicator"] { @apply inline-flex items-center justify-center transition-transform duration-200 ease-in-out; } [data-part="item-indicator"][data-state="open"] { @apply rotate-180; } [data-part="item-indicator"][data-state="closed"] { @apply rotate-0; } @keyframes expand { from { height: 0; } to { height: var(--height); } } @keyframes collapse { from { height: var(--height); } to { height: 0; } } [data-part="item-content"][data-state="open"] { animation: expand 200ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.38, 0.9); } [data-part="item-content"][data-state="closed"] { animation: collapse 200ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.38, 0.9); }</style>