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Number Input

A number input component that allows users to enter a numeric value.

<div x-cloak x-data x-number-input>
<label x-number-input:label>Input a number:</label>
<div x-number-input:control>
<input x-number-input:input />
<button x-number-input:increment-trigger>
<i class="i-lucide-chevron-up w-4 h-4"></i>
<button x-number-input:decrement-trigger>
<i class="i-lucide-chevron-down w-4 h-4"></i>
[data-part="root"] {
@apply flex flex-col gap-1;
[data-part="label"] {
@apply font-medium;
[data-part="control"] {
@apply relative;
[data-part="input"] {
@apply px-2.5 h-9 min-w-48 bg-white text-zinc-700 border border-zinc-300/60 rounded outline-none focus:outline-zinc-500;
[data-part="decrement-trigger"] {
@apply absolute right-0 h-[1.125rem] w-8 inline-flex justify-center items-center border bg-white text-zinc-700 hover:bg-zinc-100 border-zinc-300/60 cursor-pointer;
[data-part="increment-trigger"] {
@apply top-0 rounded-tr border-b-0;
[data-part="decrement-trigger"] {
@apply bottom-0 rounded-br;