Tabs are used to display multiple sections of content.
--- --- <div x-cloak x-data x-tabs="{ value: 'tab-1' }"> <div x-tabs:list> <button x-tabs:trigger="{ value: 'tab-1' }">Tab 1</button> <button x-tabs:trigger="{ value: 'tab-2' }">Tab 2</button> </div> <div x-tabs:content="{ value: 'tab-1' }">Tab 1 Content</div> <div x-tabs:content="{ value: 'tab-2' }" }>Tab 2 Content</div></div> <style> [data-part="root"] { @apply w-72 bg-white border border-zinc-200/60 rounded-md shadow-sm overflow-hidden; } [data-part="list"] { @apply flex w-full border-b border-zinc-200/60; } [data-part="trigger"] { @apply p-2 text-zinc-700 font-medium border-b-2 border-b-transparent bg-white flex-1 cursor-pointer; } [data-part="trigger"][data-selected] { @apply text-zinc-800 border-b-2 border-b-zinc-700; } [data-part="content"] { @apply p-4 text-zinc-600; }</style>